Looking for a flexible opportunity to get to know people and make a difference? Check out our volunteer roles! At the bottom of the page you'll find a short form you can complete to learn more about roles that interest you.


As a greeter you'll welcome visitors at the two exterior doors and help them find the Sanctuary, child care, rest rooms and 2nd floor areas. After the service ends, you'll thank people for coming as they leave or help them find classes or fellowship hour. We need greeters for both services on Sunday, Saturday night and Wednesday noon. We would like you to arrive a half hour before the service and stay a half hour after it ends. You don't have to work every week or at the same service every time.


Ushers stand in the lobby or Sanctuary passing out bulletins and helping people find seats. They also help persons with disabilities find accessible seating, and etc. Ushers also help take the collection, collect attendance Lists and tidy up the pews after the service ends. We need volunteers for all services and you don't have to volunteer on a fixed schedule.

Sky Chapel Tour Guide

We offer tours of the sky chapel at 9:30 and 12:15 on Sundays, and at 2:00 PM on Wednesday & Saturday during July & August. If you are interested in sharing interesting facts about the church and it history with guests, you might enjoy being a Guide. You can pick the days you volunteer.

Learn More

Interested in any of the above? Please complete this form so the right person can contact you and answer your questions.