FUMC Covid-19 Response: In-Person Worship Canceled Until Further Notice

FUMC Covid-19 Response:
The clergy, staff and lay leadership of the First United Methodist Church at the Chicago Temple share your concerns about the potential spread of Covid-19 in Chicago, and we remember that Apostle John wrote, “. . . let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.” With those words in mind, we are taking immediate precautions and will be cancelling in-person worship services until further notice. We will be providing two different options for remote access to our Sunday services. You can join us by phone or by video over the internet. The will also be remote options for all scheduled meetings, as needed. More information will come later this week, so be sure to check back on our website or Facebook to join us for online worship on Sunday.
Automate your giving (ACH):
If you do not currently use the automated clearing house (ACH) please consider trying it for the next 3-months. You can get a form from the church office on the 2nd Floor, or contact FUMC Accounting Manager, Joy Vinluan at 312.236.4548 or joy@chicagotemple.org